A little background, after 9 months of courageous resistance the freedom fighter of Bangladesh with the help of India defeated the Pakistani army on the 16th of December 1971. Millions of Bengalis were killed and many others suffered during one of the worst genocide of last century. Every year on the 16th of December, Bengalis celebrate their glorious victory.
But beneath the surface of all this glory lies a sinister industry. A growing number of people are personally gaining from the Bangladesh Liberation War, in what can be called an “industry”. It reminds me of the book “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering” by Norman G. Finkelstein. Finkelstein, whose parents suffered at the hands of the Nazis, exposes the exploitation of Jewish suffering by what can be called the Holocaust “industry”, to bring political power and huge financial gain to an elite minority.
Mahee is a self-proclaimed “leader” of the Bengali community and one of the abuser of the Bangladesh Liberation War, similar to the Holocaust Industry. The major political factions in Bangladesh and their British branches also abuse the sacrifice and memories of Bangladesh Liberation War for their own gains. Even worse, there are war criminal from 1971 who live in the safety of British society without being held to account for their crimes. Then again Britain does provide sanctuary to war criminals. It even went to the length of changing the Universal Jurisdiction law to allow Israeli war criminal, Tzipi Livni to enter Britain without the risk of being arrested.
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Mahee Ferdous Jalil |
The list of disgraceful behaviour of Mahee and his Channel S:
- A website reports, Channel S was fined £40,000 for repeatedly breaching Ofcom rules for political ads. This kind of underhand dealings has plagued Bangladeshi politics everywhere. There were other reports that cast doubt into the fairness of London mayoral and GLA election due to such behaviours. Talk about importing politics from back home!
- How can anyone forget the First Solution Money Transfer scandal in 2007, in which Channel S and its owner Mahee, was inextricably intertwined with First Solution and its director. The tears from the Bengalis who lost all their savings still plays in the minds of the ordinary people who witnessed it? You can read more on this at Wikipedia and on the BBC report “Millions lost as firm goes bust”.
- In 2008 Mahee Ferdous Jalil (aka Mohammed Ferdhaus) of Channel S (along with many others) was found guilty, at Croydon Crown Court, of car insurance fraud and sentenced to 18 months prison term. Mahee is a convicted criminal. You can read the report at Police Oracle website and watch a TV report by rival Bangla TV. Ofcom also investigated Bangla TV for the way it reported this story.
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Police News Report |
- East London News reports “Mahi Jalil abducted and tortured by criminal gang” - The news of gang like rivalries and violence is a disgrace to the whole British society and not just to the Bengali community.
- A 2009 undercover report by Daily Express “Ofcom launch investigation into Muslim TV” - This news is regarding the way the likes of Bangla TV and Channel S helps organisations fund-raise. Not only is this questionable but it looks like the channels are also taking a cut from the monies donated, without clearly informing the viewers. This is a clear abuse of trust and brings shame on to the Bengalis/Muslims. The charities urge the viewers, many of them poor, to seek salvation by donating during Ramadan, one of the oldest trick used especially in the villages to extract money from vulnerable and uneducated people.
Bangla TV, a channel that started long before the rival Channel S, is no better.
- First Solution Money Transfer scandal - Bangla TV reported this is in a questionable fashion, when its staffs were friends of First Solution's director, something they denied after its collapse.
- East London Advertiser reports of Firoz Khan jail “Bangla TV chairman guilty of fraud conspiracy against bank” - In February 2010, the chairman of Bangla TV was found guilty of conspiracy to defraud in connection with an investigation into the theft of nearly £850,000 from a major high street Bank. As one blogger described it, Channel S finally got something to hit Bangla TV back! Watch the news videos “Bangla TV Chair Firoz Khan sentenced 5 yrs for Fraud” and “Bangla TV Chairman Firoz Khan is in Jail”
- The Daily Express report also claims “Feroz Khan, the boss of Bangla TV, which is based in Hackney, east London, told our reporter, who was posing as a charity trustee, that fundraising slots for this year’s Ramadan were sold out long ago. A slot for next year could cost £12,000, he said.”
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Firoz Khan |
Bengali people are being abused by these criminals who pretend to be the pillars of their community. Tune into any of the numerous Asian TV channel on Sky and you will see virtually all the advertisement are from insurance claim companies. Ask yourself, why is that so? And how do these companies operate? Few years ago it was the mortgage brokers who filled the advertisement slots, with the we-can-get-anyone a mortgage strapline. These crooks made their money by damaging the financial industry and now the rest of us are suffering. Ever wondered where the likes of Mahee got the money to open his numerous businesses? Well it wasn't the bank managers offering a loan after taking a look at their ugly mugs! During the the first solution scandal, he bragged about how ungrateful the Bengalis are when he shows them 4 free TV channels. Well the public's question was “Where did you get that money from Mr Mahee Bhai”? They did not get an answer – so people were left to draw their own conclusions, something that is easy to do with so much news about his criminality. It's like when the Home Office asked Mohamed Al-Fayed, during his application for British citizenship, where he got the money to buy Harrords. No answer meant no citizenship!
The biggest abuse of all is the denigration of the memories of Bangladesh Liberation War. There should be zero tolerance and such denigration should be met with vehement opposition. I have sent a complaint to Channel S, Bangladesh High Commission and Rushanara Ali for their part and await their replies, which will be published here. The Bengalis must rid their community of any illegal and criminal behaviours and disassociate with the likes of fake leaders like Mahee and his dirty businesses. There is much good work that needs doing but until such people are confronted and held to account, progress will be hindered. Anyone who goes near such people are an enemy to the Bengali people.
Complaint letter to Channel S:
UPDATE at 05/03/12: This letter was sent several times by post and e-mail to Mr Mahee Jalil and Mr Ahmed-Us Samad Chowdhury (Chairman) at Channel S. To date there has been no response. This is a shameful act of sheer ignorance and arrogance of Mr Jalil and Channel S.
Mahee Ferdous Jalil
Channel S
Prestige House
26 Clifford Road
E17 4JE
Dear Mahee,
Complaint about Victory Day celebration on Channel S
On the 16th of December 2011, I tuned into few of the Bengali TV channels in order to watch programmes celebrating our 40th Victory Day anniversary together with my family. I also invited some of the younger generation so they may learn about our history. We don't have the privilege of attending events as we don't live in a place like East London.
By and large, Channel S held the biggest show/celebration. But I was extremely disappointed in the way it was conducted, and feel the need to write to make my feelings known. On the 40th Victory Day anniversary, your channel decided to turn the whole evening into celebrating the 7th anniversary of Channel S. Most British Bengalis are of Sylheti origin and therefore would naturally tune into the only channel that speaks in their dialect to celebrate the Victory Day anniversary. But you exploited this opportunity to promote yourself and your TV channel for your own personal gains at the expense of the Liberation War.
No matter how much you may deny it, yes, there is a financial gain for you as your channel is constantly advertising businesses which you also own. You also took to the stage and made a speech, primarily about how successful your channel has become during its operation over the last 7 years, taking praises from the dignitaries in the audience.
Secondly, you invited notable Bengalis to the Channel S studio in order to join in with your celebration. Don't you think the right thing would have been to hold such a Victory Day event at a neutral venue, where the whole Bengali community can feel part of and attend if they wish, rather than witnessing a “partisan” event held by you? You know very well the Bengali TV channels are divided down ethnic/regional lines and there are many different groups and political parties, all quarrelling over the Liberation War. This is highly hypocritical of you, especially when you say Channel S is leading the Bengali community. The way this event was held is a mirror of the political divisions and conflicts that take place back in Bangladesh, something that has been a curse and a hindrance to our progress.
I have no objection to you celebrating your success but I feel utterly disgusted at the way you did it under the pretence of celebrating the Victory Day. You have no rights to denigrate the history or memories of Bangladesh Liberation War in such a manner. I grew up in Bangladesh and was taught the history, but I see a growing number of people personally gaining from the Liberation War, in what can be called an “industry”. It reminds me of the book “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering” by Norman G. Finkelstein. Finkelstein, whose parents suffered at the hands of the Nazis, exposes the exploitation of Jewish suffering by what can be called the Holocaust “industry”, to bring political power and huge financial gain to an elite minority. Your self-proclaimed “leadership” of the Bengali community and your abuse of the Liberation War is similar to and a reflection of the Holocaust Industry.
My question to you is, who do you think you are leading? Definitely not me or the people in my area. It is delusional of you to think that you and your channel is leading the Bengali community, when that community is fragmented and also segregated from the main English society. Bengalis are lagging behind most other communities and is in desperate need of progress. We will not achieve progress unless we deal with the real issues and our failures such as lack of education, poor health and housing, high unemployment and low wages, dependency on sate benefits, decline in morality, abuse of women's rights and abuse of people to bring migrants over from Bangladesh etc. You also fail to realise how polarised the communities are e.g. in London, where people have created “little Bangladesh” and the negative consequences it will have on Britain. Instead, you glorify yourself in your arrogance and mislead a beleaguered people, who don't know what's better. It is as if the Bengali people did not suffer enough at the hands of the Pakistani hoodlums – so you add to their suffering by behaving like these perpetrators.
How about doing something sincere Mahee, like highlighting the war criminals, some of whom live in the UK, and bringing them to justice? Such meaningful action would earn you real respect from your fellow Bengalis.
I also noticed your channel provides a platform for extracting Zakat money. Much of that money then ends up in Bangladesh to build more concrete establishments, rather than going to the poor who have rights over that money or used for development purposes. Again, your channel profits from the advertisements during such fund-raising shows and I'm sure you also take a proportion from the donated money for the running of the channel, which the viewers are unaware. I see this behaviour as deception through omission and amounts to denigration of a religion.
I plead with you not to abuse the whole Bengali people and the religion of Islam in the above manner. History teaches us that arrogance is what brings people and nations down. Allah humiliates the arrogant in this world and the hereafter.
I will also be writing to the high commissioner of Bangladesh and Rushanara Ali MP of my dissatisfaction with their attendance at such an event.
May Allah forgive us all for our mistakes and guide us to the right path. I look forward to hearing from you. I will not give up on this until I get a satisfactory explanation.
Yours Sincerely
Abdus Salam
Complaint letter to Bangladesh High Commission:
UPDATE at 05/03/12: This letter was sent several times by e-mail and post, a reply was eventually received on 1st of Feb 2012, see below. A further follow up letter has been sent (also below) on 19th of Feb 2012 and still awaiting a reply. Time to contact the Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs to highlight the behaviour of their officers at the High Commission maybe?
High Commissioner
High Commission of Bangladesh
28 Queens Gate
bhclondon@btconnect.com & info@bhclondon.org.uk
Dear Sir,
Complaint about Victory Day celebration on Channel S
On the 16th of December 2011, I tuned into few of the Bengali TV channels in order to watch programmes celebrating our 40th Victory Day anniversary together with my family.
Channel S held the biggest show/celebration. But I was extremely disappointed in the way it was conducted and feel the need to write to you to make my feelings known. Mahee Jalil of Channel S exploited this opportunity to promote himself and his TV channel for his personal gains at the expense of the Liberation War. This clearly undermines and denigrates the history and memories of Bangladesh Liberation War. Please read the enclosed letter to Channel S in which I raise some serious concerns.
I am disappointed with your presence at this event, especially with your association with Mahee Jalil for the reasons I give below. Not only does this have a negative impact on your standing in the community but it also helps the division that already exists in the Bangladeshi community in Britain.
- Channel S was fined £40,000 for repeatedly breaching Ofcom rules for political ads http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/media/news/a138037/channel-s-fined-for-lib-dem-ads.html This kind of underhand dealings has plagued Bangladeshi politics everywhere.
- How can we forget the First Solution Money Transfer scandal in 2007, in which Channel S and its owner Mahee was inextricably intertwined with First Solution and its director. Did you not see or have you forgotten the tears from the Bengalis who lost all their savings?
- In 2008 Mahee Ferdous Jalil (aka Mohammed Ferdhaus) of Channel S (along with many others) was found guilty, at Croydon Crown Court, of car insurance fraud and sentenced to 18 months prison term. Mahee is a convicted criminal Sir, this alone should have deterred you and the Bangladesh High Commission from any association with him and his channel. You can read the report at http://www.policeoracle.com/news/Car-Insurance-Fraud-Gang-Sentenced_16964.html
- Mahi Jalil abducted and tortured by criminal gang http://www.eastlondonnews.com/horror-attack-on-media-mogul/ This news of gang like rivalries and violence is a disgrace to the whole British society, and not just to the Bengali community.
- Ofcom launch investigation into Muslim TV http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/126915/Ofcom-launch-investigation-into-Muslim-TV- This is regarding the way the likes of Bangla TV and Channel S help organisations fund-raise. Not only is this questionable but it looks like the channels are also taking a cut from the monies donated without clearly informing the viewers. This is a clear abuse of trust and brings shame on to the Bengalis/Muslims. The charities urge the viewers, many of them poor, to seek salvation by donating during Ramadan, one of the oldest trick used especially in the villages to extract money from vulnerable and uneducated people.
In light of the above, I am truly disappointed with Bangladesh High Commission for sending a representative to such an event and for having any dealing with a convicted criminal, because such association is inseparable. You also made the deplorable statement “Channel S is the grooming place for our youth” - do you honestly believe this? Such actions leads to a lack of faith and trust in an establishment that is meant to represent a nation and its people. There is a case to be answered by the High Commission on this serious matter. As an office that serves the public, I am holding you accountable for this action and demand an explanation. I will not give up on this until I get a satisfactory explanation.
As a Bengali living in the north of UK, I sometimes feel people like me are not represented in the south. Well, this has its blessings, who would want to be part of this crookedness that brings disgrace onto the Bengali community? Its is precisely because of such behaviours that we had to leave our mother-land and find refuge in another-man's land. Where is the pride and glory in this Sir?
I do my best to educate the non-Bangladeshis about our suffering during 1971, it is a war that time has forgotten, I will not sit back and watch the likes of Mahee or anyone else degrade the sacrifice of countless people. Their sacrifice was for my freedom and my future, our freedom and our future.
I await your reply.
Yours Faithfully
Abdus Salam
Reply from High Commission on 1st Feb
Dear Mr. Salam,
We appreciate the sentiment and concern expressed in your mail about Victory Day celebration by Channel S on 16 Dec. 2011.
Kindly note that the High Commissioner attended the event to honour the invitation from Mr. Ahmed-Us Samad Chowdhury, Chairman of Channel S representing the official management of the media group.
You are aware that Channel S was first launched on 16 December making the Victory Day as it’s anniversary also. The programme in discussion was Channel S’s programme and the organizers arranged it according to their plan where the High Commission did not have any say. Moreover, it was not possible for us to know the format and focus of the programme beforehand. Had the celebration focused more on 40th anniversary of our Victory rather than celebrating Channel S’s success, I would have been happier.
There is no scope of disagreeing with you regarding the big question around fund-raising activities of the ethnic Bangla TV Channels including Channel S and possible misuse and misappropriation of the collected fund. We have been trying to sensitize concerned authorities of both UK and Bangladesh on the allegations.
It is unfortunate that print and electronic medias are now increasingly been controlled by business houses and political groups espousing more their interest and agenda sacrificing neutrality. This is a universal trend and Bangla media in UK is no exception. We cannot expect all these media houses to be neutral or progressive, rather, the contrary is the order of the day for some of them which will certainly disappoint people of your stature.
While it may not be always productive, for obvious practical reason, to boycott totally a prominent media, the High Commissioner’s presence in the anniversary of a TV channel should not be necessarily interpreted as endorsing its editorial line or association with it.
We are really happy to know that you are engaged in educating non-Bangladeshis about our suffering in 1971 and we appreciate your effort. Enlightened individuals like you can also play significant role in greater awareness building effort in our community that lags behind in many areas.
Sorry to say that we have found your last communication a bit emotion-charged and different from your previous forceful communication where normal courtesy was successfully maintained. One feels absence of that in the last one.
However, we thank you once again for letting us know your reaction.
Manjurul karim Chowdhury
Bangladesh High Commission, London
Follow up response to High Commission sent on 19th Feb
Dear Mr Chowdhury,
Thank you for eventually replying to me on the 1st of February. Please note that I sent your office 3 e-mails dated 31st Dec, 24th and 29th Jan. I also sent several copies by post too. As you may have gathered, I was not surprised with your initial lack of response. What a coincidence, while reading your reply I was watching Desh TV talking about Bangla newspapers mystery-shopping at your office. They have confirmed what many UK Bangladeshis already know, that is a lack of customer service from your office. This is a separate matter but I would like to counter some of your points here.
I am happy to read that you agree there is a possibility of misuse of charity funds and you have taken the responsibility to raise this issue with relevant authorities. However, I fear that damage is already being done to the trust Bengali people place on individuals and institutions involved in fund raising as investigations can be very lengthy. I believe the bigger issue here is the abuse of the good nature of the Bengali public, their religious principals and their vulnerability. Channel S and Mr Mahee Jalil exploits this and directly profits from it.
I am very disappointed to read your justification for the High Commissioners attendance at the event. The fact that the High Commissioner was invited by the Chairman of Channel S does not excuse the action. Mr A S Chowdhury is nothing more than a “puppet” of Mr Mahee Jalil. Mr Jalil is the man behind Channel S and he is not shy to state this on TV. At the same time I also raised my concerns with Channel S through e-mail and post but to date I have had no response. What does that tell you about the so called “management of media group” that you refer to? Mr Jalil and his TV channel think they can behave with impunity. The High Commissioners attendance gives credence and normalises such behaviour.
You would have noticed the celebration on the 16th was more about Mr Jalil and his success. You did not mention Mr Jalil's name once in your reply, I guess you are embarrassed. You say Channels S started on the 16th of December, ask yourself why? Mr Jalil is no fool, he did this so that on this day every year Bengalis will tune into his TV channel and he can celebrate himself and his channel's birthday. A sincere person would have avoided this significant day so the focus remains on Victory of Bangladesh. I'm saddened to see you made these excuses to defend Channel S and your action.
I agree with you that you cannot boycott all media but you must have some limits. Mr Jalil is a convicted fraudster. One would question if that is how he obtained the funds to start Channel S? Surely you realise by associating with such an individual your office will lose credibility. Many Bangladeshi's know of Mr Jalil and his channel's ill operations so your association will be seen as a “seal of approval”. This is exactly what Mr Jalil seeks when he invites dignitaries. I suggest you check the meaning of the word association, as you deny it.
There are many awards and events Mr Jalil organises primarily to promote himself under the guise of advancing the Bangladeshi Community. I could not care less if the High Commissioner attends them or not. But on the subject of Bengali sacrifice i.e. Victory Day, Independence Day and Language Day, the High Commission has no choice but to disassociate from even an ounce of denigration of Bangladesh Liberation War. Please note, recently a Conservative party MP was sacked for simply appearing in a photograph with an individual dressed as Hitler at a party. Why should the abuse of memories of Bangladesh genocide be any different?
I was born after the war but during my time at a Bangladeshi school, every day was Victory day, every day we would sing the national anthem. I feel the pain of our loss and what I witnessed on the 16th of December has caused me genuine hurt. Ask yourself why would I spend considerable amount of my valuable time and effort on this matter? It should be the opposite, the High Commission should be opposing the denigration of our history.
I demand that you admit it was wrong of the High Commissioner to attend the event organised by Channel S on the 16th of December 2011. I also demand an apology from you for the hurt you have caused me and a promise that Bangladesh High Commission will be careful in the future so as not to take part in any event that denigrates the memories of Bangladesh Genocide.
I hope to receive a reply within two weeks. If not, I will raise this issue with the Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs and also highlight it to the Bengali media in the UK.
P.S. You need not worry about my efforts, I do more than my fair share of campaigning for social justice and preservation of Bangladesh Liberation history. I will also counter evil practices that have been imported to the UK from Bangladesh.
Yours Sincerely
Abdus Salam
Complaint letter to Rushanara Ali MP:
UPDATE at 05/03/12: This letter was sent several times by post and e-mail to Rushanara Ali MP but has also been met with ignorance. A copy has also been sent to the Labour Party several time to lodge a formal complaint with them. Still awaiting a response from the Labour Party. It seems both Rushnara and Labour Party is too embarrassed to reply. Silence is complicity.

House of Commons
rushanara.ali.mp@parliament.uk & Rushanara@RushanaraAli.org
Dear Rushanara,
Complaint about Victory Day celebration on Channel S
On the 16th of December 2011, I tuned into few of the Bengali TV channels in order to watch programmes celebrating our 40th Victory Day anniversary together with my family.
Channel S held the biggest show/celebration. But I was extremely disappointed in the way it was conducted and feel the need to write to you to make my feelings known. Mahee Jalil of Channel S exploited this opportunity to promote himself and his TV channel for his personal gains at the expense of the Liberation War. This clearly undermines and denigrates the history and memories of Bangladesh Liberation War. Please read the enclosed letter to Channel S in which I raise some serious concerns.
I am disappointed with your presence at this event, especially with your association with Mahee Jalil for the reasons I give below. Not only does this have a negative impact on your standing in the community and damage the reputation of Labour Party, but it also helps the division that already exists in the Bangladeshi community in Britain.
- Channel S was fined £40,000 for repeatedly breaching Ofcom rules for political ads http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/media/news/a138037/channel-s-fined-for-lib-dem-ads.html This kind of underhand dealings has plagued Bangladeshi politics everywhere.
- How can we forget the First Solution Money Transfer scandal in 2007, in which Channel S and its owner Mahee was inextricably intertwined with First Solution and its director. Did you not see or have you forgotten the tears from the Bengalis who lost all their savings?
- In 2008 Mahee Ferdous Jalil (aka Mohammed Ferdhaus) of Channel S (along with many others) was found guilty, at Croydon Crown Court, of car insurance fraud and sentenced to 18 months prison term. Mahee is a convicted criminal, this alone should have deterred you as a Member of Parliament elected by the public from any association with him and his channel. You can read the report at http://www.policeoracle.com/news/Car-Insurance-Fraud-Gang-Sentenced_16964.html
- Mahi Jalil abducted and tortured by criminal gang http://www.eastlondonnews.com/horror-attack-on-media-mogul/ This news of gang like rivalries and violence is a disgrace to the whole British society, and not just to the Bengali community.
- Ofcom launch investigation into Muslim TV http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/126915/Ofcom-launch-investigation-into-Muslim-TV- This is regarding the way the likes of Bangla TV and Channel S help organisations fund-raise. Not only is this questionable but it looks like the channels are also taking a cut from the monies donated without clearly informing the viewers. This is a clear abuse of trust and brings shame on to the Bengalis/Muslims. The charities urge the viewers, many of them poor, to seek salvation by donating during Ramadan, one of the oldest trick used especially in the villages to extract money from vulnerable and uneducated people.
In light of the above, I am truly disappointed with you and the Labour Party for attending such an event and for having any dealing with a convicted criminal, because such association is inseparable. Such actions leads to a lack of faith and trust in politics and our politicians and excludes a whole generation. There is a case to be answered by you and the Labour Party on this serious matter. As an elected official that serves the public, I am holding you accountable for this action and demand an explanation. I will not give up on this until I get a satisfactory explanation. I am prepared to take this complaint to the Labour Party.
As a Bengali living in the north of UK, I sometimes feel people like me are not represented in the south. Well, this has its blessings, who would want to be part of this crookedness that brings disgrace onto the Bengali community? Its is precisely because of such behaviours that we had to leave our mother-land and find refuge in another-man's land. Where is the pride and glory in this Rushanara?
I do my best to educate the non-Bangladeshis about our suffering during 1971, it is a war that time has forgotten, I will not sit back and watch the likes of Mahee or anyone else degrade the sacrifice of countless people. Their sacrifice was for my freedom and my future, our freedom and our future.
As I'm not your constituent, I have also sent this letter to your Rushanara@RushanaraAli.org e-mail, therefore you cannot use the Parliamentary rule as an excuse not to reply.
I await your reply.
Yours Sincerely
Abdus Salam
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